Ah, i seem to have figured out the problem here... if you run a
preg_match_all it will return

    [0] => Array
            [0] => And the cow says
            [1] =>
            [2] => Moo"
            [3] =>

And preg_replace is global by default, so in order for this to work
correctly, not sure about the elegantly part, but you can just limit

preg_replace('/(?:(?!"[a-zA-Z\s]*").)*/', '', $str, 1);

and that seems to work correctly...

Neat... kinda...

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Alex Nikitin <niks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm kind of new to this list, and so if there have been discussions about
> this, i am not quite aware of them (i tried searching), but i ran across
> this issue and i figured it would be interesting enough to show you guys
> here:
> I was looking for a way to replace all the text in a string that doesn't
> match a pattern with nothing (therefore string in, only part of the string
> that matches my pattern out), one line with no arrays in the middle; and i
> guess there is a way to do this with temp variables, well i know there is,
> but i kind of wanted a more elegant solution, so i came up with this match
> line
> $str = 'And the cow says "Mooo"';
> preg_match('/(?:(?!"[a-zA-Z\s]*").)*/', $str, $matches);
> print_r($matches);
> output:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => And the cow says
> )
> so i was pretty happy to see that, so if i pass that expression to
> preg_replace it should, hopefully, replace that text with nothing, and i
> theoretically should be left with "Mooo", which was my goal originally, so i
> run
> print_r(preg_replace('/(?:(?!"[a-zA-Z\s]*").)*/', '', $str));
> output:
> "
> ... Hardly what i was expecting... Any ideas? bug, something i'm not
> getting, something in the way preg works?
> Thanks in advance,
> ~ Alex

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