On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 22:08 -0500, ad...@buskirkgraphics.com wrote:
> Taking what I understand from C, I think you are looking for this equivalent
> in php.
> $product = array('reduction'=>'4','price_without_reduction'=>'22','price
> '=>'18')
> $yuzde = $product['reduction']*100;
> $yuzde = round($yuzde / $product['price_without_reduction']);
> Echo $yuzde;
> This is no reason to truncate or escape html since the strings do not
> contain them.
> I might suggest you read 
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.round.php
> for a better understand the precision options with round.
> Richard L. Buskirk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tontonq Tontonq [mailto:root...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 6:59 PM
> To: PHP General Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP] smary assign var
> hi guys
> i have 2x sub value
> [reduction] => 4
> [price_without_reduction] => 22
> [price] => 18
> and i want to calculate how much i did reduction percent
> {assign var='yuzde' value=$product.reduction*100}
> {assign var='yuzde' value=$yuzde/$product.price_without_reduction}
> -{$yuzde|truncate:3:''|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}%
> when i escape only 3 chars i see some products returns
> like "-18.%"
> when i escape only 2 chars
> i get e result like
> "-5.%"
> so is there a way to round that value to int not float?

would something like this should work... just pieced it from the smarty

{math assign='yuzde' equation="x + y" x=$height y=$width format="%.2f"}



Steve Staples
Web Application Developer
519.258.2333 x8414

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