On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 10:36 -0800, Marc Fromm wrote:

> We have web forms that send the user an email confirmation after submission, 
> like most forms do.
> The emails are being delivered to the users' junk folder. The main campus IT 
> staff claim it is because our server is sending the emails.
> The campus is using Microsoft exchange servers. I am using Red Hat Linux, 
> sendmail, and PHP. Is there a way to give php the exchange server's ip 
> address and have the emails from my php forms be sent from the exchange 
> server?
> Thanks
> Marc

PHP can connect to an SMTP server if the Exchange server will allow a
connection to be made from it. Nothing is standard with Exchange (or
Microsoft in general really), so it could be more effort than it's

Having a message filtered to the Junk folder could be caused from
several things, either the text to image ratio isn't high enough, you're
using words considered "spammy" (steer clear of the typical words you
see in your own Junk box), the IP address you're sending from is on a
blacklist, the receiving server sees that the from address resolves to a
different IP than the server sending the email, among other reasons.

If the recipients are all on the same Exchange server, then you can have
your Linux servers IP address added to a whitelist which should ensure
all your email gets through correctly.


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