Bloody Hell!!

How many lines is the footer in your email response!!!

I make it almost ten times longer than the reply about abominable netiquette, and I have purposely put this response at the top as after all footers do go at the bottom of an email :)

Do you even NEED a footer with nothing but inane comments in it?

On 01/02/11 11:54, David Hutto wrote:
> I'd pass the db's to a threaded function that processes each db's info
> in an algorithmic order.
> -- The lawyer in me says argue...even if you're wrong. The scientist in
> me... says shut up, listen, and then argue. But the lawyer won on
> appeal, so now I have to argue due to a court order. Furthermore, if you
> could be a scientific celebrity, would you want einstein sitting around
> with you on saturday morning, while you're sitting in your undies,
> watching Underdog?...Or better yet, would Einstein want you to violate
> his Underdog time? Can you imagine Einstein sitting around in his
> underware? Thinking about the relativity between his pubic nardsac, and
> his Fruit of the Looms, while knocking a few Dorito's crumbs off his
> inner brilliant white thighs, and hailing E = mc**2, and licking the
> orangy, delicious, Doritoey crust that layered his genetically rippled
> fingertips? But then again, J. Edgar Hoover would want his pantyhose
> intertwined within the equation. However, I digress, momentarily. But
> Einstein gave freely, for humanity, not for gain, other than personal
> freedom. An equation that benefited all, and yet gain is a personal
> product. Also, if you can answer it, is gravity anymore than
> interplanetary static cling?
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