On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Peter Lind <peter.e.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16 February 2011 21:00, Dan Schaefer <d...@performanceadmin.com> wrote:
> > In my code, I set the optional parameter to NULL and check for triple
> equals
> > "===" or "!==" to see if the variable has been passed with a value. IMO,
> > this is the safest way.
> >
> > function MyFunction($x, $y, $z=NULL) {
> > if ($z !== NULL) {
> > // Do Something
> > }
> > }
> In case you're actually trying to test if a variable was passed or not
> that doesn't work (as it doesn't detect NULL passed in). Use
> func_get_args() as that gives you any and all arguments passed to the
> function, excluding defaults.

I'm not sure what you're saying here, Peter? Are you saying that the code
wouldn't detect if $z was set to NULL by the calling code or by the default?
I believe the point would be that no matter the case, the check would still
perform the same task.

Maybe I misunderstood (sorry.)

> That said, if you're making use of optional parameters and need to
> check if anything was passed in, you're almost certainly doing things
> wrong.

I sometimes use this approach. PHP doesn't to my knowledge allow you to use
function calls within defaults. There are times that I want the default to
be the result of a function, and to accomplish this, I'll often set the
default to null, then check for the null and carry out the function within.

Is there a better solution?


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