
thanks for the reply.....this is the code that shows/lists the categories

$cats = $download_taxonomies- >get_parent_cats();
                                    if (!empty($cats)) {
                                        foreach ( $cats as $c ) {
echo '<li><label for="category_'. $c->id.'"><input type="checkbox" name="category_'.$c->id.'" id="category_'.$c->id.'" '; if (isset($_POST['category_'.$c->id])) echo 'checked="checked"';
                                                                                echo ' /> 
'.$c->id.' - '.$c->name.'</label>';
// Do Children
if (!function_exists('cat_form_output_children')) {
        function cat_form_output_children($child) {
                global $download_taxonomies;
                if ($child) {
echo '<li><label for="category_'.$child->id.'"><input type="checkbox" name="category_'.$child->id.'" id="category_'.$child- >id.'" '; if (isset($_POST['category_'.$child->id])) echo 'checked="checked"';
         echo ' /> '.$child->id.' - '.$child->name.'</label>';
        echo '<ul class="children">';
$download_taxonomies- >do_something_to_cat_children($child->id, 'cat_form_output_children', 'cat_form_output_no_children');
                  echo '</ul>';
                  echo '</li>';
        function cat_form_output_no_children() {
    echo '<li></li>';
                                                                                echo '<ul 
$download_taxonomies->do_something_to_cat_children($c->id, 'cat_form_output_children', 'cat_form_output_no_children');

i can see the categories ids and i just want to get a custom link for each category and essentially hide this section from my memebers....


On May 6, 2011, at 1:28 AM, Daniel Brown wrote:


$cat_ids = array(1,3,5,7,13,15,24,36,81,92);

echo '<select name="categories">'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($cat_ids as $cid) {

   echo '  <option value="'.$cid.'"';

   if (isset($_GET['cat_id']) && $_GET['cat_id'] == $cid) {
       echo ' selected="selected"';

   echo '">'.$cid.'</option>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</select>'.PHP_EOL;


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