On Thursday, June 23, 2011, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> I've not yet seen any evidence yet that pretty URLs actually benefit
> SEO. I regularly search for answers to problems online, and mostly I
> get forums as the results, all of which have URLs like
> showthread.php?t=1234567

Anecdotal perhaps, but I see the opposite. Most of what I see 'above
the cut-line' in search results doesn't have a querystring and the
forums at the top of the list mostly seem to be rewritten. For
example, in a recent search on Google.co.uk for "pusher aircraft", the
first page except for the last result were all 'SEO-friendly' URLs.
The last but one returned result was an obviously rewritten forum post
http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/2001/11195-pusher-aircraft.html The
first returned result with a querystring was a YouTube video.

I also tried searching for something about which I'm fairly confident
that the majority of information 'out there' is contained in forum
posts and although the second result on the first page was a forum
post, all but three on the first two pages had no querystring.

That said, the reason I use rewriting is because it makes site
maintenance much easier for me rather than because of any SEO benefit
- real or imagined.


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