Sorry, not sure if the first part of the conversation made it to the list.

I will be looking in to Symfony. I'm well versed with ZF and Zend_Db.
I'm also somewhat versed with Doctrine and integrating it with ZF. My
question isn't whether Doctrine is a part *of* that framework but
rather on *what* and *when* it is appropriate to *use* or *substitute*
something like Doctrine instead of using straight pdo or mysqli or the
abstract that came with that particular framework. Substituting
Doctrine or some other abstract could complicate a project rather than


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Slith <> wrote:
> Have you looked into other PHP Frameworks like Symfony that includes
> Doctrine support?
> Not sure exactly what your requirements are but most PHP frameworks include
> some sort of DB abstraction based on Active Record/ORM.
> See also CodeIgniter, Zend Framework
> On 9/22/2011 10:46 AM, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I'm guessing that the subject probably doesn't fit the question I'm
>> asking here so I'll apologize in advance.
>> Lately I've been getting in to how I can streamline my development
>> after a bad experience with a contract. One of the areas I was looking
>> at is when it would be appropriate to use certain DB frameworks? What
>> I mean by frameworks is probably more like DB abstract, like Doctrine
>> or ZF's native Zend_Db. I know this isn't a black and white
>> explanation so I would like to know what influences your decision on
>> using a DB abstract framework. Whether to use one or not and if so
>> which one?
>> Jamie

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