søn, 16 10 2011 kl. 11:40 +0200, skrev saeed ahmed:
> i want to learn php and i do not know much and my english is also
> limited.isthere anyone who can explain me php by most simple
> example,like explainig to
> a child,something like this:if you put "this" symbol or writing, in your php
> script,when someone open this page,will see this message"long time not see"
> .
> at the moment ,i am scared of terms used by professionals.
> thnks,for many this could a stupid but this is what i am facing.
> thanks.

You could start at http://php.net/manual/en/getting-started.php which
gives a basic introduction to php-concepts.

What is you preferred spoken language? Try to google for "php basic
tutorial" or "php getting started". Try somthing similar in you own

Regards Lars

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