on 7/19/01 9:33 AM, Ali YILDIRIM at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi;
> I am just at the beginning process to php.
> My question is: 
> I type in notepad my php code ok allright but where
> will I test this?
> I know this is so simple but you know I am new to this
> and ...
> Please help..

You can upload it to your webhost and test it that way. However that's not
very ideal. You should install a webserver, php and mysql on your own
computer. Then you can test what you're doing without needing to go online.

For windows98/ME you can get Personal Web Server, which is free and included
on Windows98/ME cds, or you can download it from microsoft.com (I don't know
where though). Then go to www.php.net and get the Windows version of php, or
go to www.php4win.de. I can't really help you on WinNT/2000.

If you're using Linux, you probably already have most, if not all, of what
you need installed. Apache and php are installed by default in the distros
I'm familiar with. If not you probably have the rpms on your linux cd, or
you can get them, or the source, off the net.

If you have linux, fire up a webbrowser and just type in "localhost" as the
URL, if it brings up a page about apache, chances are you're good to go.

I recommend grabbing "Beginning PHP4" from Wrox press. They cover getting
php installed pretty well, and of course give you a nice primer on the
language itself.


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