On 17 Mar 2012, at 15:02, rene7705 wrote:
> The relatively crappy code in /code/sitewide_rv/lib_fileSystem.php is 
> certainly not indicative of the quality of the rest of the library, I'll 
> guarantee you. Just take a look at the output of 
> get_animatedJavascriptWidgets_javascript.php in the source of my 
> http://mediabeez.ws, and you'll see that that code is indeed of higher 
> quality.

Curious example you've decided to highlight there. A few thoughts...

* It appears to be serving static javascript content. Why is PHP involved at 
all here?!?

* It's using a hell of a lot more memory than it needs to by loading said 
static content into a variable rather than simply including the files directly.

* The animatedThemes function appears to be loading and decoding json only to 
re-encode it again before output. Err, why?

> I wrote this library because I have been unable to find anything like it on 
> the interwebs.

I'm somewhat unclear on exactly what problem this library is attempting to 
solve. The site says "video-enabled [stuff]" which sounds like nothing more 
complicated than animated images. Am I missing something?

> I put it out for free because I think it's cool to give something back to the 
> opensource community.

Which is fantastic and should definitely be encouraged, but if you're not 
interested in feedback don't ask for it.

> But, again, I'm not interested in having my priority list hijacked by experts 
> who won't bother just to give me back the fix.

I couldn't care less about your priority list if my life depended on it. You 
asked for feedback; I gave you feedback. Everything I do I do for at least one 
of the following three reasons, in descending order of importance...

* It interests me.

* It benefits me in some way, now or in the future.

* I'm being paid for it.

Sorting out the issues with your code doesn't meet any of these motivations. 
Giving you feedback met two out of the three, which Mr Loaf asserts as !bad. 
One of those fell away when you responded to said feedback by defending your 
code as if it were intimately attached to your body. The last remaining 
motivation is hanging by a thread.

> Have a nice day.

Thanks, I will. You have a nice day too.



Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd

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