On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Tristan <sunnrun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using Zend Studio and it had a suggestion that I do a foreach as such
> foreach($entry as $entry){
> }

    .... which would be the same as `foreach ($entry)` --- a syntax
option that doesn't exist, but would be ideal.

> foreach($entries as $entry){
> }

    I prefer this method as well, as redefining a variable with its
own name, whether in a foreach loop or elsewhere, not only feels
clunky, but could also quite easily cause issues.  Imagine, for
example, that not all versions of PHP support the same-variable
option, be it by bug, deprecation, et cetera.  It would be a pain to
track down the bug in your code.

> they both seem to work but, from a readability standpoint and just makes
> more sense to me to use method 2. Is it bad practice to go with the 1st
> method of coding or preferred?

    To be honest, I didn't know Zend was suggesting that, but if you
want my lowly opinion --- use the second (and your preferred) method.
I can't think of an instance in my experience where I found another
programmer's code using the first method either.

</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager

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