On Mar 12, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Marco Behnke wrote:

> what is in $states?
> Looks like $states[$state] is not an array.

        Here's a sample:

$states = array(
        'AL' => array( '350','351','352','353', ),
        'AK' => array( '995','996','997','998','999', ),
        'AZ' => array( '850','851','852','853','854', ),
        'WI' => array( '530','531','532', ), 
        'WY' => array( '820','821','822','823','824', ),

> side effects if you don't act carefully with it.

        I don't remember where that came from, but for the most part, this 
script works perfectly.  However, I removed it and will test without it.

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