On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Ashley Sheridan
<a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-03-16 at 11:46 -0400, Andrew Ballard wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2013 6:14 AM, "Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 2013-03-15 at 22:32 -0400, Andrew Ballard wrote:
> >>
> >> > Guess regex are the only useful solution here. When you consider to use
> >> > built-in functions, just remember, that for example '0xAF' is an
> integer
> >> > too, but '42.00' isn't.
> >>
> >> Shoot...I hadn't considered how PHP might handle hex or octal strings
> when
> >> casting to int. (Again, not in front of a computer where I can test it
> >> right now. )
> >>
> >> Regexes have problems with more than 9 digits for 32-bit ints. I guess to
> >> some degree it depends on how likely you are to experience values that
> >> large.
> >>
> >> Andrew
> >
> >
> > Do they? Regex's deal with strings, so I don't see why they should have
> such issues. I've certainly never come across that problem, or heard of it
> before.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ash
> > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> >
> >
> Sure. If the string is nine or fewer digits, they can all be 0-9. If it is
> 10 digits, the first digit can only be 1-2. If it's 1, the remaining nine
> digits can still be 0-9, but if the first digit is 2, the second digit can
> only be 0-1. If the second digit is 0, the remaining eight digits can still
> be 0-9, but if it is 1, the third digit can only be 0-4. If the third digit
> is 0-3, the remaining seven digits can still be 0-9, but if it is 4, the
> fourth digit can only be 0-7.
> This pattern would continue for each of the remaining digits. Hopefully you
> get the idea. When you get to the final digit, its range depends not only
> on the nine preceding digits, but also the sign. If this is 64-bit, that
> adds even more wrinkles (including being aware of whether your
> implementation supports 64-bit ints). It may be possible to do with regular
> expressions, but it would definitely be complex and probably a time sink.
> As I said, if you KNOW you won't be dealing with integers that are more
> than nine digits, the regex should work fine.
> Remember, the OP didn't ask if it was an integer in the realm of infinite
> pure integers; he asked how to tell if a string was a number that could be
> converted to an int (presumably without loss).
> Andrew
> Ah, I see. I think that's not an issue as such with regular expressions
> having problems, more that bit limitations has a problem with numbers!

ANY computer system is going to have limitations with numbers -- you
can't store infinity in a finite system. LOL

> Bearing that in mind, this does the trick:
> $string1 = '999999999';
> $string2 = '9999999999';
> $string3 = '999999999999999999999999999999';
> var_dump($string === (intval($string1).''));
> var_dump($string === (intval($string2).''));
> var_dump($string === (intval($string3).''));

That's the same thing I posted, just different syntax. You are still
converting the string to an int, converting the int back to a string,
and comparing the resulting value to the original string using the
identical (===) operator. Depending on one's needs, it could be
tweaked a little to handle leading/trailing spaces, leading zeroes,

function is_int_hiding_as_string($value)

    if (is_string($value)) {

        // remove any spaces around the value.
        $value = trim($value);

        // check for a sign :-)
        $sign = (substr($value, 0, 1) === '-') ? '-' : '';

        // strip off the sign, any additional leading spaces or zeroes
        $value = ltrim($value, ' 0-');

        // I didn't strip off trailing zeroes after the decimal because
        // I consider that a loss of precision, but you could do so
        // if necessary.

        return ($value === $sign . (int)$value);


    return false;

> I'm getting the expected results on my machine (32-bit) but a 64-bit machine 
> would get the correct results for larger numbers.

As I understood the original post, these ARE the correct results on
ANY system. If the string value can be safely converted to an int *in
the environment under which the script is executing* without loss of
precision, this will return true; if it cannot, it returns false.

Sorry for getting carried away, but it is SO much easier to respond on
an actual keyboard than my phone. :-)


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