Le 2013-03-18 à 15:41, Éric Oliver Paquette a écrit :

> Le 2013-03-18 à 15:37, Matijn Woudt a écrit :
>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Éric Oliver Paquette <eopaque...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Le 2013-03-18 à 15:24, Éric Oliver Paquette a écrit :
>>> Le 2013-03-18 à 15:20, Matijn Woudt a écrit :
>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Éric Oliver Paquette 
>>>> <eopaque...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Éric Oliver Paquette 
>>>>> <eopaque...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'll be swift in my explanation as I can't find in any way the source of 
>>>>> the problem; it seems to be installation-related.
>>>>> At execution, sometimes (randomly it seems at first), variable session 
>>>>> aren't properly stored.
>>>>> In fact, when I run this on my server I randomly have empty entries in 
>>>>> the $_SESSION array. Any thoughts on this? Is this a known bug (haven't 
>>>>> found it…)
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> What does phpinfo() show about session stuff? Especially things like 
>>>>> save_handler and cookie_lifetime settings. 
>>>> Note that this seems to occur 3 times out of 1000 on average. 
>>>> Now, about your request :
>>>> session
>>>> Session Support    enabled
>>>> Registered save handlers   files user
>>>> Registered serializer handlers     php php_binary wddx
>>>> Directive  Local Value     Master Value
>>>> session.auto_start Off     Off
>>>> session.bug_compat_42      Off     Off
>>>> session.bug_compat_warn    Off     Off
>>>> session.cache_expire       180     180
>>>> session.cache_limiter      nocache nocache
>>>> session.cookie_domain      no value        no value
>>>> session.cookie_httponly    Off     Off
>>>> session.cookie_lifetime    0       0
>>>> session.cookie_path        /       /
>>>> session.cookie_secure      Off     Off
>>>> session.entropy_file       no value        no value
>>>> session.entropy_length     0       0
>>>> session.gc_divisor 1000    1000
>>>> session.gc_maxlifetime     1440    1440
>>>> session.gc_probability     1       1
>>>> session.hash_bits_per_character    5       5
>>>> session.hash_function      0       0
>>>> session.name       PHPSESSID       PHPSESSID
>>>> session.referer_check      no value        no value
>>>> session.save_handler       files   files
>>>> session.save_path  /var/lib/php/session    /var/lib/php/session
>>>> session.serialize_handler  php     php
>>>> session.use_cookies        On      On
>>>> session.use_only_cookies   On      On
>>>> session.use_trans_sid      0       0
>>>> Your settings seem to be fine. My best guess would be hardware failure, 
>>>> though it seems unlikely. Did you check apache (or whatever webserver 
>>>> you're using) logs for any errors or warnings?
>>> Yes I did. Everyhting seems normal there too. 
>> Hm… Just noticed something new in fact; was looking a last time before 
>> considering reinstallation on a new server: it seems that the $_GET['push'] 
>> is undefined. In the other scripts I use where I have this problem, I'm 
>> using $_POST variables though but still don't get stored in $_SESSION. If 
>> I'm correct, this may implies that it is apache that is faulty right?
>> $_GET['push'] will be undefined if you still have your session stored, but 
>> accessing the script directly. It should have nothing to do with faulty 
>> Apache. 
> Okay, let me paraphrase: when I run the ping pong scripts written up there, I 
> have a blank in var_dump($_SESSION) if and only if I have 
> [Mon Mar 18 13:25:37 2013] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  
> Undefined index: push in 
> /home/www/www.ngenioconnect.com/Modules/MPOSurveyTest/pong.php on line 8
> on apache log. So my question really is, it is apache that handles the posts 
> and gets requests, as I use both and it seems that the non-persistence of 
> data occurs before the storage in $_SESSION, is it possible that it is Apache 
> that is faulty?
Er… I looked where it caused a problem, it seems that $_GET, $_POST and 
$_SESSION are indeed all affected. Any clue of a faulty installation that would 
cause problem for many surperglobals? 

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