> I have a php script that runs every 30 minutes. It takes the contents of a
> directory (which is constantly being updated) and dumps them into a mysql
> database. Recently this directory has become increasingly large and the php
> script only updates a portion of it before it stops execution.
> To run the php script I use a lynx command in a crontab. I'm running suse
> linux and apache on both machines (the machine containting the directory
> and the other machine containing the database).

Sounds like you're trying to hammer a nail with a flower pot :)

You should compile and install the cgi version of php, which can be run from
the command line like perl, with php -q.

Remember that you'll need to declare the location of the php app just like
in perl scripts. :)

> I've tried changing the max execution time in php.ini file but it appears
> to have no affect. When I took the php script and divided it into portions
> and ran them one at a time it worked (except for one portion of the
> script). the execution time of the script doesn't matter to me, I just need
> it to run.

It's been a while since I looked into this, but I _think_ setting it to 0
makes it infinite. I think.

> When I run the php script through a browser, and the script doesn't
> complete, I get a 'page cannot be displayed' message (while I am expecting
> a 'fatal error, exceeded max execution time' error message).
> Maybe it could be fixed by using something other than lynx to run the php
> script internally, but  I don't know of any alternatives.
> hope someone can help..

cron with command line php :)


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