> 1) Prompt the user for a target e-mail address.
> 2) Create a PDF document from the form fields on the current page (I wish
> specify the design of the form) and e-mail it to the e-mail address
> form (1).
> I'm hoping there's either a module or two that can accomplish this or
> perhaps, someone has already gone through the hassle and would be willing
> share.  Otherwise, some pointers to head me in the correct direction would
> be appreciated.

You want the fDF Dev Toolkit from http://adobe.com and the --with-pdf
configuration flag.

For attachments, you can roll your own and lose lots of hair or snag
something like Manuel Lemos' UpperDesign.com (.org?) mail class that will do
it for you.

You now know as much about how to do it as I do, since I'm just repeating
answers from previous threads...  May want to search the archives for more

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