
Does anybody know of any issues in PHP 4.0B2 regarding to the handling of
session variables on different networks?

Here is the problem. I have written a user authentication system using
session variables. When the user logs in their name and pass are stored as
an associative array (with other details from a database). If the details
are invalid the user is booted back to the logon screen. The system worked
fine for everyone except myself and one other person who was on the same
network (optus@home network).

The problem was that although the username and password were sent and stored
into the session variables, upon accessing another page the session
variables were not carried forward (although the session id was) and so I
was thrown back to the login. As I said, this was only true for users on the
optus@home network. Fpr anyone else it seemed to be fine.

Identical code on a server running PGP 4.0.4pl1 worked universally.
I have been tearing my remaining hair out for days on this one now. Does
anyone have any suggestions (except for 'Upgrade PHP on the 4.0B2 server' or
'move to a different server'. That, unfortunately is beyond my control :(  )



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