Le Samedi, 18 Août 2001 16.45, Martín Marqués a écrit :
> Which locale are you using (I think this has nothing to do with the
> problem, but who knows....).
fr_CH iso-8859-1

> I just checked a database which is been loaded with phpPgAdmin 2.3 and I
> got the acents OK.
I did further testing :
- I set up a server on another machine with the old version (7.0.3) and tried 
to load the DB using the SQL output of a 'pg_dump -D' : The problem still 
occurs. I then copied the old $PG_DATA directory to the new server and tried. 
At first, I always got encoded chars (which at least better to me), then I 
restated apache/php and everything went back to normal (ie I got the right 
accentuated chars).

A thing that I have to say is that I'm not using the latest version of PHP, 
since I'm always trying to keep myself using the stable version of debian. 
(postgresql being one of two exceptions, since version 6.5 is quite obsolete 

>psql, as well as pgaccess give me the encoded caracter instead of the 
>acentuated vocal, but I don't mind, cuase psql is only for personal use. PHP 
>gives me the right caracter.

Well, my problem is that php *sometimes* (~ every 2 connexions) returns the 
right characters, while I get an encoded character every other time. If only 
it would give the same answer everytime !

> I really don't know where your problem can be. Try to set the environment
> variables correcty to your local locale. It could help.
Well, at least the locale is right... 

> Saludos... :-)
Thanks a lot for your answer, 

Saludos ... :-P

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