
I was waiting for someone to answer this question but it hasn't happened yet. 
 I was using this a couple years ago to get a weather page from http after 
the ftp site with the raw text disappeared.  Rest assured this has NOTHING to 
do with php and everything to do with lynx.

I ran my script fine, then after I upgraded my system (I believe it was 
redhat 6.2) I started getting the error msg you got.  After doing 'man lynx' 
and reading what I could, I gave up really fast and just reinstalled an older 
version of lynx cause let's face it, it was just a weather script that didn't 
warrant more than 20 minutes on.

The message is basically saying "Hey, you're running me from a cron job and I 
can't find an ncurses terminal to output to!"  I am assuming that's what it 
is but don't quote me :)  You may want to spend a little time in the lynx 
docs, and then let us know when you find out :) Also, I'm not 100% sure that 
the script itself isn't running.....try redirecting that from dev/null to 
writing to a file like /home/user/TEST.PHP and examine the contents.....

On Tuesday 21 August 2001 05:50 am, you wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying the command "lynx -dump -nolog
> http://localhost/script.php > /dev/null" on crontab
> but I (httpd) receive an e-mail from "Cron Daemon"
> saying that:
> "Your terminal lacks the ability to clear the screen
> or position the cursor."
> what should I do run my script with cron?
> thanks,
> Augusto
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