<Original message>
From: Ashwin Kutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 10:44:04AM -0300
Subject: Re: [PHP] header() + link..

> Hi,
> I thought as much.. And no, dont want to use frames.. Id rather just have the
> URL shown in the Location Field..
> I do realise, there is no real way to ever hide the URL, however, I just dint
> want to make it too obvious for the users to bookmark or pass around to people
> who are not authorized to view the page..
> However, thanks for the reply..

</Original message>


Ehmmm... You say that people who aren't authorized aren't allowed to
see the page (which makes sense ;). I don't know ofcourse how you
take care of things, but for me it's no problem if unauthorized
people get URL's where they shouldn't look. I mean... the server
just denies access. Problem solved!



* R&zE:

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