exactly...don't believe everything you read...
if you want some benchmarking results, search google...from what i've seen,
php is the fastest out of any of them...certainly not jsp...


nick wrote:

> Haha I tried its code and it only takes 1~2 secs to run it .
> Well....god damn lies....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 8:38 PM
> To: 'Faisal Nasim'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP] php's future
> It's Chinese .....
> I translated it ....maybe u cannot understand bcoz my English is not
> good
> First: jsp test for loop ....see below
> <jsp:useBean id='clock' scope='page' class='dates.JspCalendar'
> type="dates.JspCalendar"/>
> <jsp:getProperty name="clock" property="time" />
> <%
> int i=0;
> int j=0;
> int k=0;
> for(i=0;i<20000;i++){
> for(j=0;j<20000;j++){
> }
> }
> %>
> <jsp:useBean id='clock1' scope='page' class='dates.JspCalendar'
> type="dates.JspCalendar"/>
> <jsp:getProperty name="clock1" property="time" />
> 4 secs taken
> Next : php test for loop ....see below (he didn't mention if it is php3
> or php4)
> <?
> $TTime=date("Y-n-d"). " " . date("H:i:s");
> echo $TTime;
> echo "
> ";
> for($i=0;$i<1000;$i++){
> for($j=0;$j<1000;$j++){
> }
> }
> $TTime=date("Y-n-d"). " " . date("H:i:s");
> echo $TTime;
> ?>
> 84 secs taken ++"
> Third : Asp for loop test
> <%
> response.write now
> response.write "
> "
> for i=0 to 2000
> for j=0 to 2000
> next
> next
> response.write now
> %>
> 64 secs taken
> Last one : Asp+ for loop test
> <%
> Dim intStart,intStop As DateTime
> Dim timeUse As TimeSpan
> dim Sum,i,j as int32
> intStart = DateTime.Now
> for i=1 to 20000
> for j=1 to 20000
> Sum=Sum + i
> next
> next
> intStop = DateTime.Now
> timeUse = intStop.Subtract(intStart)
> Response.Write (TimeSpan.ToString(timeUse))
> %>
> 3.6 secs taken
> if u can read Chinese u can go
> http://www.webappcabaret.com/jsptw/doc/test-report.htm for more
> infomation.
> It's a website which teach jsp at all
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Faisal Nasim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 7:54 PM
> To: nick
> Subject: Re: [PHP] php's future
> Where did you see that?
> Faisal
> At 04:28 PM 9/2/2001, you wrote:
> >Hi all in the list :
> >I read an news that said jsp/asp.net is better than php..
> >
> >They made a test that asp/php/jsp/asp.net using "for loops",
> >
> >Jsp from 1 to 20000 takes only 4 secs
> >Asp from 1 to 2000 (not 20000) takes 72 secs
> >Php from 1 to 2000 (not 20000) takes 68 secs
> >Asp.Net from 1 to 20000 takes only 3.5~3.8 secs...
> >
> >So is it time to learn jsp/asp+ instead of learning php ..???
> >I am so confused ~
> >I have been learning php for a while and now it said jsp/asp+ is better
> >than it.@@
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