you can use this:

if (isset($f[$index][f_d1_weight]) && !empty($f[$index][f_d1_weight]))
  // process item here

"Bart Verbeek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I want to calculate an average from the following variables/arrays
> a - $f[$index][f_d1_perc] with $f[$index][f_d1_weight]
> b - $f[$index][f_d2_perc] with $f[$index][f_d2_weight]
> c - $f[$index][f_d3_perc] with $f[$index][f_d3_weight]
> d - $f[$index][f_d4_perc] with $f[$index][f_d4_weight]
> e - $f[$index][f_d5_perc] with $f[$index][f_d5_weight]
> All varables are integers:
> - $f[$index][f_d _perc] = 0 - 100
> - $f[$index][f_d1_weight] = 0 - 10
> I want the folowing:
> total score = (a *  weight) + (b *  weight) + (c *  weight) + (d *
> + (e *  weight).
> total vars = weight a + weight b + weight c + weight d + weight e.
> Average = total score / total average.
> The calulated average has to be stored in "$f[$index][f_perc]".
> The problem is that not always all the variables are set. How do I check
> these arrays and leave them out of the calculation when they don't contain
> value.
> Hope anyone can help me...

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