Actually it doesn't matter '&&' or 'and' they are equal but I found a 
solution - I just took away conditions and put this instead

$relev = "$title_search+$descr_search+$act_search";
 $result =  mysql_query("SELECT skits.*,category.*,match 
(skits.title,skits.descr,skits.skits) against ('$relev') as relevance 
from skits,category where (skits.title like '%$title_search%' and 
skits.descr like '%$descr_search%' and skits.skits like 
'%$act_search%' and skits.lang like '%$lang_search%' and 
category.kat_name like '%$category_search%') and 
(skits.category like category.cat_id) ORDER by relevance desc 
limit $limit,10");

Works fine, (I actually changed '&&' with 'and' as you see)


> On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 19:33:38 +0200, BRACK ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >$result =  mysql_query("SELECT skits.*,category.*,match
> >(skits.title,skits.descr,skits.skits) against ('$relev') as  from 
> oops, should be 'against ('$relev') as relevance from' 
> >skits,category where (skits.title like '%$title_search%' && 
> use 'and' instead of &&
> >skits.descr like '%$descr_search%' && skits.skits like 
> >'%$act_search%' && skits.lang like '%$lang_search%' && 
> >category.kat_name like '%$category_search%') and 
> >(skits.category like category.cat_id) ORDER by relevance desc 
> >limit $limit,10"); 

<>< <>< <>< <>< God is our provider ><> ><> ><> ><>

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