I'm sorry, I didn't intend to sound like I was slamming PHP.  I'm just
unable to use it in good conscience on the systems I'm administering due
to the issues such as getting the graphics library (gd) and other
libraries to work with it.

I know that the PHP developers have no control over this, Zeev and
Rasmus are doing an EXCELLENT job and I absolutely love the language.
It's quick and easy to get a stable application up and running.  It's
easy to maintain applications because the language is easy to follow and
fairly self-documenting.

Having to spend approximately 25 hours compiling/testing/recompiling to
get the gd or other libraries to function is not an option.  It
completely negates the time savings in development.  Multiply this my
the number of servers involved and you sink quickly.

Perl as a language has it's devoted followers.  I'm not one of them.
Developing in Perl is nowhere as elegant as developing in PHP and
maintaining Perl code later is nowhere the dream that PHP code is.

I have used PHP since the early releases of 3.x (I wish I could have
seen it progress from the PHP/FI incarnations) and have several projects
out that use PHP.  They are just less intensive applications that did
not (yet) require some advanced features such as graphs, pdf output or
similar features.  I will continue to maintain and enjoy those
applications, but I have to concentrate my efforts towards one tool as a
primary tool to maintain efficiency.

I am not dumping PHP entirely, I am still going to remain on the PHP
lists and will enjoy watching the discussions about PHP and watching the
progression of PHP towards what I believe will be an extremely large
market penetration.

Chris Mulcahy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Loff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 3:44 PM
> To: 'Chris Mulcahy'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Making gd Extensions
> Banning PHP from your system just because GD won't compile
> with it seems
> a bit drastic...
> You have to realize that the PHP developers don't really have anything
> to do with GD, pdflib, etc... they have added support for
> them into the
> PHP language, but an issue with one of these external libraries isn't
> the fault of the PHP group.
> I have encountered LOTS of problems getting GD to compile
> into PHP, and
> every single time, it turned out to be a problem with how GD was
> installed.
> If you find Perl more useful, then more power to you, each
> language has
> its strong points and issues... But your slandering of PHP is really
> unnecessary.

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