Hi Martin,

Take a look at the Apache mod_rewrite docs.


I added this to my httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine   on
RewriteCond     %{HTTP_HOST}    ^nu\.osd\.dk$
RewriteRule     ^.*$            http://www.osd.dk/main.php?m=nu

If a user types the URL "nu.osd.dk" it will call

Tais M. Hansen

"Martin Lindhe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I need to solve the following problem, but I can't figure out how:
> Let's assume we have a server called www.test.com
> When a user access http://www.test.com/path/username,
> I want a php script to execute, as if the url entered was
> http://www.test.com/path.php?value=username.
> I'm running PHP 4.0.6 on Apache 1.3.20.
> Thanks!
> /Martin Lindhe

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