Right off the top of my head, you have three options that I can see:

(1) Rewrite the code to avoid any output before the redirect.

(2) Use output buffering (available only in PHP4). I haven't used 
this, but check out


(3) Use a META REFRESH tag. For example:

        <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1;page.php">

where 1 is the time (in seconds) before you want the redirect, and 
'page.php' is where you want the redirect to. Of course, this tag 
needs to be in the <HEAD> section, so it might not help you much.

As far as I know, though, cold fusion's <cflocation> tag only works 
because CF does output buffering implicitly. So, I'd guess you need 
to do option (2).


At 10:37 AM -0400 9/10/01, Andrew Penniman wrote:
>I am trying to figure out how to use PHP to redirect the user to a new
>location *after* processing and most likely outputting a bunch of code.
>Because this redirection would happen late in the game I can't use
>header("Location: ".$redirect_to);
>I come from a ColdFusion background and am used to CFAS' <cflocation>
>tag.  Does PHP have an equivalent function?
>I am really hoping not to use JavaScript, I want this redirection to
>happen at the server and not the client.

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