> Then I will reload the first page again by erasing index2.php and
> hitting enter and it will display a new sess id number and show the
> first page, as normal but that sessid number is equal t the new
> session created on the server and the value of it is:
> var3; var1; var2
> This is stranger than strange.
This isn't so strange. The session id is stored in a cookie.

But.. I turned off cookies (debuging can be done much easier), and 
played a little.
I found that the session is created properly on the first page and 
the 2 variables are registered too.
But on the second page they aren't set on the first view (that's 
If I reload the page (of course the same sid is in the url), the 2 
variables this time are set, with their value that were given on the 
first page (that's why I told above they were registered, and their 
values are stored properly, so it's not a problem of rights, session 
save paths, etc..)
So that's what I've found, but I have to go home now sorry.
On the other hand the 2 source file you've sent me worked fine on my 
computer, without any problems (and warnings). 


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