Joao Prado Maia wrote:

>>"Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>    I want to move away from
>>>        file.php?var1=1&var2=2&var3=3
>>>    ...and go to
>>>        file.php/1/2/3
> That is actually a good idea to build dynamic web sites and be still
> search engine friendly. You can take as an example. Go
> over and search for 'faqts' and you will see that Google
> crawled the whole site structure because of how carefully the links were
> laid out.
> The same thing wouldn't happen (in most cases I guess) with a site of the
> '?var=2&var2=4' method of doing links.

Exactly why I switched our site from '/index.php?page=1' to 
'index.php/1' - google and other search engines love following my links 
now :)

                _______      ___    _  ____  _____
Chris Hobbs   / ____\ \    / / |  | |/ ___\|  __ \
Head Geek    | (___  \ \  / /| |  | | (___ | |  | |
WebMaster     \___ \  \ \/ / | |  | |\___ \| |  | |
PostMaster    ____) |  \  /  | |__| |____) | |__| |
               \____/    \/    \____/ \____/|_____/
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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