I'm reading some HTML text from a file and echoing it to
stdout. The HTML text contains <IMG> but I would rather
have the server do the work of looking up the image size.
I know how to lookup the image size with getimagesize().
My problem is in coming up with a good format for embedding
a reference to the image in the text and then writing the code
to parse it.

So instead of this:
    here is some text <img src=bird.gif width=100 height=20
    alt="this is a bird"> and here is more text and another
    image <img src=plane.gif width=123 height=23
    alt="this is a plane"> and more text

I would like to have something like this:
    here is some text [bird.gif,this is a bird] and here
    is more text and another image [plane.gif, this is a plane]
    and more text

Crossing line boundaries is not an issue - each text string
is complete. I need to be able to dump out the string until I
see a reference to an image, then extract the name and alt text,
handle it (by emitting <IMG>) and continue to echo text from
the string until I encounter another image reference.

My problem is in coming up with a syntax for this and then
to write the code to extract the information.

In the above example, I'm using the syntax:

but it's conceivable that the HTML text might also contain
    [some plain text not related to images]

so I thought about some of these:
    {filename,alt text} - not good, text might contain {plain text]
    @filename, alt text@
    img(filename,alt text)

Using the same @ delimiter at each end might make it easier
to use explode() to split the text.  But perhaps img(filename,text)
is more elegant, but it might need more skills than I have in using
regex to recognize it and extract it.  Also I need to figure out how
to extract and echo the plain text around it.

Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
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