> My BODY tag reads as follows:
> <body width="800" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0"
> topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
> Any tips on how I can correct this?  It needs to be flush irregardless if
> the user presses the BACK button or not.

What is that width setting doing in your body tag?  Is a width setting 
even recognized in a body tag?  Assuming it is (and I have my doubts), 
if someone comes to your site with a browser window width higher or 
lower than 800 the browser will have to chose between your width setting 
and your margin settings.  One of them will have to take priority 
because you can't have a width of 800 and a margin of 0 if the viewer's 
browser window is 1200 px wide... or 640 or any size other than 800 for 
that matter.

- Ben

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