Uhm found a solution for my own problem somewere else on this list..
credits go2 Andrey Hristov

 echo "<pre>";
 $array1 = array("text"=>array("posted"=>"Posted by","source"=>"Bron"));
 $array2 = array("text"=>array("posted"=>"Posted by1"));


 function array_overlay(&$ar1,&$ar2){
   foreach ($ar2 as $k=>$v){
     if (isset($ar1[$k]) && is_array($ar1[$k]) && is_array($ar2[$k]) )
     elseif (!isset($ar1[$k]))


 echo print_r($array2);
 echo "</pre>";
"Emile Bosch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht
> I was wondering if someone could help me with the following problem
> I want to add values to an array, overwriting the existing ones and
> the original intact.
> array 1 looks like:
> text
>     posted = Posted by
>     source = Bron
> array 1 looks like:
> text
>     posted = Posted by1
> Now i would like to have the following result:
> text
>     posted = Posted by1
>     source = Bron
> Like an OVerlay  array 2 over array 1 function or something..
> Please can someone help me?
> Warm regards,
> Emile Bosch
> <?
>  echo "<pre>";
>  $array1 = array("text"=>array("posted"=>"Posted by","source"=>"Bron"));
>  $array2 = array("text"=>array("posted"=>"Posted by1"));
>  print_r($array1);
>  print_r($array2);
>  print_r(array_merge($array1,$array2));
>  /*
> I was hoping that this below would turn out but that is not the issue
> what function must i use to get this result??
>   Array
>   (
>       [text] => Array
>           (
>               [posted] => Posted by1
>               [source] => Bron
>           )
>   )
>  */
>  echo "</pre>";
> ?>

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