Kodrik, you are picking the wrong person to argue with.  ;)

> > > If you set $qty=0; then $qty has no value.
> >
> > Of course it has a value.  
> No it doesn't have a value.
> PHP interprets 0 as null.

Completely incorrect.

> A very easy way for you to check:
> $value=0;
> if(!$value) printf("$value doesn't have a value (it didn't even print 
> 0)<br>\n");

if() doesn't check for null, it checks for a boolean false condition.  
Does 0 evaluate to false?  Sure it does.  So does "" and "0".  That
doesn't mean they are null.

> $value="0"
> if($value) printf("$value does have a value if I put "0" instead of 0<br>\n");

That is completely wrong as well.  You obviously didn't try your own 
example.  The following all evaluate to false:


But the fact that they all evaluate to false says nothing about whether 
they are values or not.  Just like all of these all evaluate to true:


That doesn't mean that 0 == null anymore than it means that 1 == -1.  Just 
because two values both evaluate to the same boolean state does not mean 
they are one and the same.


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