"Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > The integer 0 is equal to False, but not Null.
> Not quite true.  0 evaluates to false.  They are not equal.  Try this:
> So be careful and try to think of 0 and false as distinct and separate
> entities and you will avoid coding mistakes like this.

    Is this seen as a strength or a weakness of PHP.?

    In C(++), direct comparisons to true/false are discouraged.
    In other words, instead of this:
        bool x;
        if(x==true) ...
        if(x==false) ...

    itt's always considered better to do this:
        if(x) ...
        if(!x) ...

    But PHP seems to require a direct comparison with false
    in certain situations. Are there any cases where you need
    to do a direct comparison with true?

    Are you coming to Ottawa in the future?

John A. Grant  * I speak only for myself *  (remove 'z' to reply)
Radiation Geophysics, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
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