On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, David Robley wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 03:23, JSheble wrote:
> > A while ago an email came through here about how to parse out email
> > message from a php script.  The thing that was mostly of interest to me
> > is the ability to send an email to a php script, I guess through a
> > sendmail alias?  I asked how to accomplish this, and never saw an
> > answer come through.  So I'd like to ask again :o)
> >
> > Does anybody know what would be required or necessary to send an email
> > to an address that would run a php script?
> You say sendmail, so do it thusly:
> Edit /etc/aliases and add a line like
> phpmail: "| /pathto/your/php/script"
> and run newaliases to update your alias database.

Actually, I am still trying to figure this out when I get time.  What I
did was:
phpmail: "| lynx -dump > /pathto/your/php/script"

But the problem is nothing appears to be capture in the script.  Or rather
in what format does this mail arrive.  I even tried to write it to a file
but nothing is written.

> You'll also need to compile php as a standalone, and put as the first 
> line of your php script
> #!/path/to/php -q

What if we need both version??


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