Hi Sundog,
Can help you with dates (but no, if you want that kind you'll definitely not be 
wanting my advice...)

----- Original Message -----
> I am trying to determine if todays date ($today) is within a week
> ($startcheck) of a given date ($dob). This is what I have so far.
> $todaydate = (date("Y-d-m"));
> $today = strtotime($todaydate);
> // $today prior to strtotime = 2001-10-11
> $startcheck = strtotime(2001-08-11);
> $dob = strtotime(2001-15-11);
> //$today is CLEARLY between the two dates I'm testing with but "no" is
> always returned.
> if($today <= $dob && $startcheck <= $today) {
>     print "yes";
> }
> else {
>     print "no";
> }
> Here are the values assigned to the vars, why is $today so much smaller
> than $startcheck and $dob?
> 1002783600 = today
> 1005452940 = startcheck
> 1005451980 = dob
> win32 php4

Let's start with "perceptions" because there's a couple here that have the potential 
to hold you on the
side-benches whilst everyone else has a date and has made it to the dance floor...

The manual (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php) says, "strtotime --  
Parse about any english
[sic] textual datetime description into a UNIX timestamp". The key word is "any" and 
the fact that it is not

> //$today is CLEARLY between the two dates I'm testing with but "no" is
> always returned.

Er, no - it is not "clear"! A quick geography/horology lesson: the rest of the world 
either do not use the same
date system or do not express the Gregorian calendar the way Americans do. Today no 
one has a problem with a
date written as 11/11/2001, but when 10/11/2001 is written down, does it mean 
yesterday (10-Nov-2001) or one
month back (11-Oct-2001)? In America, the two formats are known as "American" 
(MM/DD/CCYY) and "European"
(DD/MM/CCYY) format.

Moving to the format used in the code above (20011111). A format of this nature is 
widely used because it
facilitates sorting/comparisons - ah but watch those perceptions, if you were 
arithmetic on two dates, one in Oct and one in Nov, then the convention will have to 
be CCYYMMDD = century,
year, month, then day! BTW you will see the logical flow of this ever decreasing 
period/increasing precision,
and how it can be kept going into CCYYMMDDHHMMSS and thereafter depending upon your 
needs, time base/available
utility functions, etc!

The function is called 'string to time'. In other words, a series of alphanumeric 
characters are passed, and a
date-time is returned (in the form of a UNIX timestamp). Given that there are many 
perceptions involved in
interpreting what the incoming string of digits means, some dates cannot be 
unambiguously expressed/resolved (eg
yesterday's date).

It's always a good idea to add some 'debug echoes' to new code, just to be sure that 
your perceptions agree with
the computer's implacable logic - I added to your code:

echo "Todaydate=$todaydate~";
echo "<br>Today=$today~ Startcheck=$startcheck~ DoB=$dob~";
echo "<br>".
     "~ Startcheck=".date("Y-M-d",$startcheck).
     "~ DoB=".date("Y-M-d",$dob)."~";

and this was returned:

Today=1005436800~ Startcheck=1005510600~ DoB=1005509700~
Today=2001-Nov-11~ Startcheck=2001-Nov-11~ DoB=2001-Nov-11~no

The last "no" is the original output, but before that you can see 'why' - if the date 
values/definitions are
modified, the code works exactly as (I perceive, is) required.


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