
One approach that works for me is to have a separate IMAGE table with an automatically 
primary key image_id (auto_increment with MySQL).  I don't use this store the image, 
but just to
give me the unique name for the image file.  I also use the IMAGE table to store away 
the original
image name, and the image type and dimensions from GetImageSize.  Type and dimensions 
can be useful
to have stored in case you need to set <IMG WIDTH and HEIGHT dynamically to maintain 
proportions if
the image is over-sized for the page it's on and/or manipulate and image with gd 

The IMAGE table is shared across the whole site to guarantee unique image names and 
any updates of
images are always handled as inserts to stop problems with  browsers caching old 
images.  image_id
is then held on the table where the use of the image is recorded e.g. the table 
holding a page's
content.  The actual directory where the images reside is not actually held in the 
database but set
as a global in a standard include.  This makes it easier to move between 
machines/sites etc. without
changing data. 

This seems to work well, you can use standard code for image upload/update/deletion 
and functions
for image_insert,
image_delete etc.



Joe Van Meer wrote:
> Thx Richard, I would like the files to all be dumped into one directory,
> each with a unique name. Then I will create a path and store that in the db.
> Thx for the ideas, I will check them out and get back to youvia this thread.
> Cheers Joe:)
> "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Joe Van Meer wrote:
> >
> > > Hi there, I have an upload form on my website that works great, however
> I
> > > have come to a the heck do I rename the copied file?
> > > Everytime I upload an image it overwrites the old one with the new. The
> > > code below uploads the file and displays the following:
> > >
> > > Your photo has been uploaded successfully.
> > > Size of Image in Bytes: 36315
> > > Image Type: image/pjpeg
> > > File exists on server.
> > > /rotatingimages/C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php12D.tmp   <-- I notice that this is
> a
> > > temporary name
> >
> > If two files were being uploaded at once, you'd get two different names...
> >
> > But it's entirely up to *YOU* to decide where to copy the file to.  Maybe
> > you'd *WANT* to replace files as they were uploaded.
> >
> > I tend to use the user's filename and preg_replace() to get rid of
> > everything except a-zA-Z._-  and then checking where I'm copying to tack
> on
> > 1, 2, 3, ... until I find a new filename that's not in use.
> >
> > You should also start using instead of
> > copy or whatever you are doing.
> >
> > --
> > Like music?
> >

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