To answer your first question, some search engines, such as Google,  will
crawl URLs that contain GET variables.  Others will not.  There is a way
around this by creating links such as index.php?/Men/Shirts/Blue/XLarge and
using the $PATH_INFO variable to parse the URL and spit out the needed

As for your second question, I can think of no legitimate reason to use flat
files rather than a database.  If you switch hosts you can easily transfer
the database as well as the scripts.  Most hosts have MySQL and if they
don't they just are not worth using.  Hosts are a dime a dozen these days
and you can easily find some that have MySQL.

Steven Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a site which consists of a few hundred catalog pages. The
> items in the catalog are pictured 9 to a page with accompanying
> descriptions. The homepage features an item-of-the-day, as well
> as the past 3 featured items. The entire site is static and
> regularly updated manually by me. I don't believe it'll take much
> to fully automate the site, which is what I plan to do, or have
> done, over the next week or so. Now for my questions:
> 1. The dynamically-generated pages must remain indexable by
> search engines. That is, indexing robots must be able to crawl
> the entire site by following the various links to all of the
> catalog pages. Do the strings that are passed through the URL
> appear to search engines as dynamic, and therefore get ignored?
> 2. It's important that the site remain easily portable from one
> host to another. I have no plans to move it, but it would be nice
> to know that it would be a simple matter of plunking it down
> somewhere else if I needed to. Is there any advantage to using a
> flat file over mysql in terms of portability? How significantly
> would performance be affected, considering that it's not likely
> there will ever be more than 1000 catalog items (rows)?
> I'd be interested in hearing how you'd put this together.
> Steven

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