At 03:54 PM 11/21/2001 +0000, Caspar Kennerdale wrote:
>I have a script that when I execute via a browser retrieves information.
>Ultimately I want this automated.  There has been mention on these lists
>about compliling php as cgi, which I think may help

I saw the following somewhere and saved it, but I can't remember where I 
got it from.  I haven't tested it either, but I can't see why it wouldn't 
work if you have either of these programs available in conjunction w/cron:

"...If you don't have php installed as CGI you can use a unix console 
program for fetching URLs, we recommend lynx or wget.

Example of using lynx:
0 10 * * * lynx -dump > /dev/null

Example of using wget:
0 10 * * * wget > /dev/null"

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