On Fri, 23 Nov 2001 17:05, De Necker Henri wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Robley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 November 2001 08:24
> To: De Necker Henri; PHP-General (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [PHP] MySQL query problem!
> On Fri, 23 Nov 2001 16:17, De Necker Henri wrote:
> > I have the following query
> >     $query = "INSERT INTO acl ( username, password )
> >                VALUES ( 'henri', ENCRYPT('diesel','henri') )";
> >
> > This is the error i get :
> >     Column 'password' cannot be null
> > What is wrong with my query?
> Mysql docs say:
> ENCRYPT(str[,salt])
> Encrypt str using the Unix crypt() system call. The salt argument
> should be a string with two characters. (As of MySQL Version 3.22.16,
> salt may be longer than two characters.):
> mysql> select ENCRYPT("hello");
> -> 'VxuFAJXVARROc'
> If crypt() is not available on your system, ENCRYPT() always returns
> ENCRYPT() ignores all but the  rst 8 characters of str, at least on
> some systems.
> This will be determined by the behavior of the underlying crypt()
> system call.
> #####
> It may be that you don't have crypt on your system; also, you might
> want single quotes around the ENCRYPT and double quotes to delimit the
> string and salt, thus:
> VALUES ( 'henri', 'ENCRYPT("diesel","henri")' )";

> On waht systems does encrypt() work on.In my Mysql client my query
> results are null,so i dont have encrypt on my system!

I doubt that crypt would exist on a Winblows box - you might have to use 
PASSWORD instead. However I'd hope to find it on a *nix system because 
that is what is used to encrypt the user passwords in *nix

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   Never say, "Oops!"; always say, "Ah, interesting!"

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