On 24 November 2001 23:45, Michael Sims spaketh unto ye recipient:
> It sure can.  There's a couple of ways to accomplish this.  I personally
> think the easiest way is to code your page like normal, then call it in a
> cron job via lynx.  Let's say you have a page called "page.php" that
> connects to your database, retrieves the email addresses, and sends the
> emails.  To call it from a cron job add the following to your crontab:
> 0 8 * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump http://localhost/page.php >
> /path/to/logfile/or/dev/null

Nice tip!  Another alternative is using wget on the URL, or links -dump if 
you have that instead.

Or if your script has #!/usr/bin/php or whatever path at the top and is made 
executable, you can just call that script without relying on the webserver.

I think, even if it's just a normal php file you could cron it as 
/usr/bin/php <scriptpath/name>.

Casey Allen Shobe
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