Fred wrote:

> Third, it is ineffecient and unneccessary to put 60 fields in a single form.
> If you are using the GET method it probably will not work since it passes
> the variable names and values in the URL, which has a maximum length of 255

In my mind maximum length 255 is not true. There isn't any limit for 
GET/POST requests as I read in RFC documents. The limit depends on Your 
web server implementation. I've never tested but suppose Apache could 
handle GET method with URL longer than 255 characters. I've never had 
problems with form's data length using Apache and GET/POST methods.
But if I'm wrong I apologize.


Juz w sprzedazy. Katalog Samochodowy AUTO TESTY 2002. 
Ceny i dane techniczne 1400 samochodow, 236 raportow z jazd,
testy porownawcze, wszystko o bezpieczenstwie.

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