I've had the same problem.
I'll get back to you with what I know.
Just give me some time - I'm late for work!

"Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm designing a simple content management system with PHP, and it is
> going great, except...
> I do seem to have one problem - I'm trying to use PHP's copy function to
> upload files through a web browser.  It works fine on small files, but
> times out on large ones, like a 20 MB file I'm sending.  I'm on a 1Mbps
> DSL connection, and routinely download 600MB iso images with no problem,
> and seem to be having no connection problems on this end.  My client is
> also getting timeouts on large files, and they're on a different network.
> The web server is running Debian Linux kernel 2.2.19; Apache/1.3.9; PHP
> 4.0.6 at a web hosting company.
> I checked the PHP manual, it said that the default maximum file upload
> size is 2MB.  I used phpinfo() to show the server settings, and it reports
> that it is:
> upload_max_filesize=2M
> post_max_size=8M
> max_execution_time=30
> which is the global file upload maximum and POST maximum and execution
> limit.  I changed /cgi-bin/php.ini to include the lines
> upload_max_filesize=200M
> post_max_size=200M
> max_execution_time=2400
> memory_limit=120M
> and saved it.  I tried my upload again, but it still times out. Does
> Apache need to be restarted for the change to take effect?  I ran
> phpinfo() again, and it shows
> upload_max_filesize=200M
> post_max_size=200M
> max_execution_time=2400
> so it looks like it took the change to php.ini.
> I successfully uploaded a 1.8MB file, a 2.2MB file, a 4.1MB file, a 5.4MB
> file, a 6.1MB file, a 6.9MB file, and a 7.05MB file, but a 7.248MB file
> and a 7.6MB file timed out like the larger one.
> I'm doing the upload from IE 6.0 on Windows 2000 (running on my Linux box
> with VMware). I got the same results on Mozilla 0.9.6 on Mandrake Linux
> 8.0.
> I've read that PHP file uploads are done in RAM, so perhaps that is part
> of the problem?
> Unfortunately, my client plans to upload ~90MB files this way, and I'd
> like to leave PHP file upload as the only method needed.
> Here's part of the page using the upload/rename/delete script.  It works
> flawlessly on smaller files.
> The only timeout (that I *know of!*) that I don't know how to change is
> Apache timeout of 300 seconds.  It appears that it is indeed timing out
> after 300 seconds (five minutes). It shows as HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE = 300 in
> phpinfo().
> All of this is done on a virtual server at a web host, so I don't have
> access to the httpd.conf for Apache, although they *might* change it if I
> know what to ask them...  ;-)
> Fred
> /* New to Linux (nine months) and PHP (2 weeks) but loving it! */
> ======================================================================
> <?php
> //print("\$Clientcode = $Clientcode, \$Usercode = $Usercode\n");
> /* This file lists all the information for files in a directory and allows
the user to delete, upload and rename files.
> */
> if ($Upload) { // Handle file uploads.
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Uploaded file name:
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Uploaded file size:
>   if (copy ($File, "documents/$Folder/$File_name")) {
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $File_name, was
successfully uploaded!</TD></TR>\n");
>   } else {
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $File_name, could not
be copied.</TD></TR>\n");
>   }
>   unlink ($File);
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n");
> }
> if ($Delete) { // Handle file deletions.
>   for ($i = 0; $i < count ($Delete); $i++) {
>   if ( unlink ("documents/$Folder/$Delete[$i]") ) {
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $Delete[$i], was
successfully deleted!</TD></TR>\n");
>   } else {
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $Delete[$i], could not
be deleted.</TD></TR>\n");
>   }
>   }
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n");
> }
> if ($Rename) { // Handle file renaming.
>   for ($n = 0; $n < count ($Rename); $n++) {
>   $OldFilename = $Rename[$n];
>   $Old = "documents/$Folder/$OldFilename";
>   $New = "documents/$Folder/$NewName[$OldFilename]";
>   if ( rename ($Old, $New) ) {
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $Rename[$n], was
successfully renamed!</TD></TR>\n");
>   } else {
> print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Your file, $Rename[$n], could not
be renamed.</TD></TR>\n");
>   }
>   }
>   print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n");
> }
> // Start the form.
> $HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE = "2400";
> print ("<FORM METHOD=POST ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\"
> print ("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\"
value=\"200000000\">\n"); // max file size set to
> 200 MB
> print ("<TR><TD><h2>Folder <b><i>$Folder</i></b>:</h2></TD></TR>\n");
> print ("<TR><TD><B>File Name</B></TD><TD><B>File
Size</B></TD><TD><B>Delete</B></TD><TD><B>Rename</B> (Enter the New Name in
the Box)</TD></TR>\n");
> // Read the files from the directory.
> $Open = opendir ("documents/$Folder");
> while ($Files = readdir ($Open)) {
>   $Filename = "documents/$Folder/" . $Files;
>   if (is_file ($Filename)) {
> //              hide "hidden" files that start with "."...
> $filenamefirstchar = substr($Files,0,1);
> if ($filenamefirstchar <> ".") {
> $Size = filesize ("documents/$Folder/$Files");
>   print ("<TR><TD>$Files</TD><TD>$Size</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX
NAME=\"Delete[]\" VALUE=\"$Files\"></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX
NAME=\"Rename[]\" VALUE=\"$Files\"><INPUT TYPE=TEXT
> }
>   }
> }
> closedir ($Open);
> // Give the upload option.
> print ("<TR><TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD></TR>\n");
NAME=\"Upload\" VALUE=\"Yes\">Upload a file to folder
<b><i>$Folder</i></b>:<br><INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=\"File\"
> print ("<input type=hidden name=\"Folder\" value=\"$Folder\">\n");
> // print ("<input type=hidden name=\"Usercode\" value=\"$Usercode\">\n");
> // print ("<input type=hidden name=\"Clientcode\"
> </FORM></TD></TR>\n");
> ?>
> </TABLE>

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