On Wednesday, December 5, 2001, at 12:24  AM, René Fournier wrote:

> I have to create a MySQL for my PHP scripts. How do I do this in Mac 
> OSX? There are a bunch of command line tools, but I'm not sure which 
> one[s] to use.

Well, if you already have MySQL installed, then just use them as 
normal.  Just remember that Unix syntax is different from DOS (lets you 
do more, actually).

If you need to install MySQL, try these:


the above link is for Apple's own recommendations for installing MySQL 
on Darwin.  Just make sure that you use the source code for 3.23.45, not 
3.43.44 (because the .44 doesn't shut down properly in Darwin).  I used 
this technique (not the binary) and it works great.


if you use Fink (debian-style package installer) you can have it install 
MySQL for you (as well as PHP and Apache) but I didn't go this route 
because I wanted more control over the install process.


the above link isn't for MySQL at all, it's for PHP, but it's a useful 
article.  Remember to add the "--with-mysql" configure option because 
this tutorial doesn't assume that you want to install MySQL.

Any questions, email me.


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