I also forgot to ask:

are messageboards really big bandwidth suckers?? I get about 2000
messages posted a day on my messageboard and I use up nealry 20 gigs
with that. Is this normal?

My site is - www.barfiCulture.com



--- sunny AT wde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I manage an South-Asian community site from the UK (but hosted in
> USA) which is currently wolfing down 20 GB per month and is
> increasing to about 25 very soon as the popularity grows.
> I've searched the mailing lists, but couldn't find a good solution.
> How shall I go about increasing bandwidth? Should I go for a
> dedicated boxes? Or does anyone know a host that provides 25-30 a
> month fairly cheaply (its a non-commercial site).
> sunny
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