Phillip B. Bruce wrote:

> 1. Is there any documentation that explains the differences between
> the versions of PHP?

php4 : much more fun ! go use it !
the documentation will tell you on each function page in which php 
version the fuction was first available.

> 2. Does it matter when writing php code that you specifiy the file
> name in the following manner?  test.php3  test.php4 or whatever. 

since you have PHP v3, .php4 and .php will not be parsed at all (you 
will see your code plaintext in the browser).
the webserver can be set up to still have .php3 handled by PHP v3 and 
.php4 by PHP v4.
in any case, i think you should ask your ISP to upgrade  to PHP v4 ... 
3.0.9 !!!! when was that ?

> I have the following error:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function include_once() in
> include_fns.php3 on line 7
from :
include_once() was added in PHP 4.0.1pl2


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