Is the code below in a function? If so, you'll have to globalize $PHP_SELF:

        function your_function() {
                global $PHP_SELF;

                echo $PHP_SELF;

alternatively, you could do

        function your_function() {

                echo $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'];

To the best of my knowledge, PHP_SELF is set regardless of the 
register_globals configuration setting, but I'm not 100% sure.


At 11:13 AM +0000 12/19/01, Caleb Carvalho wrote:
>Hi there,
>I have created a script that is suppose to get some input from
>user and display back, and i have the following method
>so i have a script that if login fails it will ask the user
>to register,
>if(!$username) {
>  session_unregister("userid");
>  session_uregister("userpassword");
>  echo "Authorisation Failed." .
>       "you must enter a valid credentials.".
>       "try again.<BR>\n";
>echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF\">Login</A><BR>";
>echo "If you're not a member please regsiter.<BR>\n";
>echo "<A HREF=\"$register_script\">Membership</A>";
>else echo "welcome, $username!";
>Now for some strange reasons it tries to access my web direcorty 
>that does not contain any file, and i get the 404 page not found 
>any help would do,

| Steve Edberg                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| University of California, Davis                          (530)754-9127 |
| Programming/Database/SysAdmin      |
| "Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of  |
| all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily  |
| defeat us."                                                            |
|                 - Supreme Court Justice (1939-1975) William O. Douglas |

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