The way it looks to me, you do both the window opening sequence and the closing
procedure twice:
- Window opening: you specify window options (toolbar, status bar etc) once in the call and once in the actual window code;
- Window closing: you perform the same actions once upon clicking on "Close e
Update" and once upon actual window closing (via onUnload()).

Try implementing both procedures only once in a way that they're ran by both types
of browsers.

AFAIK you don't need to implement any kind of captureEvents, but I may be wrong
about it.

Only now did I read your final paragraph: I think you'd better leave the
onUnload() in place and only window.close() in the link, which should trigger
onUnload(). Hope this works with NS 4.x!

I don't have any clue why closing the pop-up via Windows controls both doesn't
trigger onUnload and reloads the parent window -- are you sure you're not wrong
about this? I mean, if it reloads the parent window, doesn't this mean that
onUnload() works?

My suggestion is fiddling with the onUndload() function triggering it via a link
(as suggested in the previous message -- with a href="javascript:oldWin()") until
you get no error messages when accessing "javascript:" in Netscape. You didn't
tell me -- do you get any more error messages now upon accessing "javascript:"?


Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

> Hello Bogdan,
> On Microsoft Internet Explorer:
> On Netscape and Konqueror:

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