In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:

> Daniele Baroncelli wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to restyle one big site in XML and I would like some brief
>> straight info/suggestions.
>> I am definitely interested in DOM XML, but as far as I can understand,
>> the module is still experimental and there to main risks: - The module
>> is not completely stable - The functions are likely to change
>> Are you able to confirm me these?

I would agree that the DMO stuff isn't 100% stable but it
is already functional enough to be usable. I have been
using the DOM stuff in a production enviornment including
the XPath functionality for a good four or five months
now without major problems. The XSLT functionality is
coming along nicely as well.

I would suggest at least playing around with it to see
if it fits your needs. I think you will find advantages
to using it over the saxon-style stuff in the other
XML PHP functions, especially if you utilize the
XPath search functionality.


> You are right about this.
> But please use it and report bugs if you find one. The more users, it
> will be more stable quickly.
> Please also try latest snapshot for experimental modules/functions.
>> As an alternative, it seems the only safe way to develop XML in PHP is
>> by using the Expat module.
>> Is this your view too?
> I would say yes, but you may experience problem(s).
>> In any case, are you able to indicate some good web references for XML
>> in PHP ?
> I don't know this one ;)

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