are you shure about putting binarydata into a database?

cant you do it with links?
performance would be better this way i think.

"Henning Sprang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hy Peter,
> Peter Lavender wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I did ask this earlier, but I have made some head way since, but I'm
> > not sure that I have things right.
> >
> > What datatype should I use for zip files?
> You should use the blob type therefore
> >
> > How do I create a link to a file to be downloaded from the database?
> first you need a php script that pulls the data out of the database and
> echoes an appropriate header, and after this all the binary data of your
> file, you would then link it and give the id or whatever you use to
> identify it in the database as parameter to this script.
> >
> > All the examples I have read all relate to images, which hasn't really
> > helped.
> it's exactly the same with zips as with images, the only difference is
> the header for the mime type which is "image/gif" for gif's and
> "application/zip" for zips
> If you already know everything for images out oif a Mysql, then i don't
> tell it again here - ask if you still have problems!
> henning

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